Tag Archives: microblogging

@nycework tweet digest: 06/23-28/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? The 3% Rule for a healthy bottom line; edible landscaping; being eco-friendly at work and play; safe and courteous bike sharing; throwing caution to the wind..and soil…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between June 23 through June 28, 2013:

Low-hanging grapes

Low-hanging grapes, perfect for city landscapes.
(Photo credit: Andreas Fischler via Wikimedia Commons)

  • A quote and reminder by Kahlil Gibran about why you should spend more time with Mother Earth;
  • an article listing 52 inexpensive ways you can be Earth-friendlier;
  • an article about using The 3% Rule to find and keep clients who enjoy doing business with you;
  • a video featuring Pat Warhurst talking about using city landscapes for growing fruits and vegetables instead of inedible plants;
  • an article listing 10 eco-friendly tips for your workplace;
  • a humorous set of images depicting basic tips and etiquette for users of New York City’s bike sharing program;
  • and, @nycework’s previous digest that includes a video post featuring Shawn Achor talking about the happy secret to working better.

Enjoy! Continue reading

@nycework tweet digest: 06/16-21/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? The secret link between happiness and better work; helping someone is helping yourself; using “unclear” words to connect with your audience; noble computing; they summon your apps with light and sound; your gadget is a marketing spy; whoa, they can hack that, too…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between June 16 through June 21, 2013:


Internet marketers can track you by “fingerprinting” your devices.
(Image credit: Adaiyaalam via Wikipedia Commons)

  • A quote by H. Norman Schwartzkopf about what happens when you help someone meet a goal;
  • an article about how crooks use music, lighting and TV frequencies to trigger malicious apps in smartphones and other devices;
  • a video in which Shawn Achor shares the secret formula for happiness and better work;
  • a list of words that have many meanings, which makes them perfect for “spicing up” your headlines and titles;
  • a list article suggesting ways you can compute and be environmentally friendly;
  • an article about how Internet marketers are silently and aggressively tracking you by “fingerprinting” the devices you use to access the Internet;
  • and, @nycework’s previous digest that includes a video post featuring Avi Rubin talking about how easily hackable all technological devices are.

Enjoy! Continue reading

@nycework tweet digest: 06/09-14/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? Your mental outlook determines your choices; making more money; getting people to spread your ideas; the best day to grocery-shop; gaming to improve your typing; hackable devices you own; a chronically rebellious printer that prints the same words over and over…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between June 9 through June 14, 2013:

EnviTote eco-friendly, reusable bag

You can get better deals on groceries when you shop on certain days of the week.
(Image credit: Tanacollins via Wikimedia Commons)

  • A quote by Frederick Langbridge about how mental attitude affects the choices you make;
  • a video featuring Avi Rubin talking about how all devices are hackable;
  • an article explaining why it’s best to shop for groceries on a certain day of the week;
  • a web-based, Space Invaders-like game that tests and improves your typing;
  • an article with 9 insights to help sharpen your money-making skills;
  • a visual example of why it’s important to secure your printer and other wireless devices;
  • and, @nycework’s previous digest that includes a video post with Seth Godin talking about how to get people to spread your ideas.

Enjoy! Continue reading

@nycework tweet digest: 06/02-07/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? Remember always, you *are* good fortune; leadership the clear-headed way; making a good first and last impression with your customers; getting people to spread your ideas; tools to make social-media marketing easier; super-fast phone chargers en route; Wi-Fi routers don’t care much for plant life…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between June 2 through June 7, 2013:

Cheers! You *are* good fortune.

Cheers! You *are* good fortune.
(Image credit: Willem81 via Wikimedia Commons)

  • A quote by Walt Whitman reminding you that you are good fortune;
  • a video in which Seth Godin discusses meaningful ways to connect with people so they’ll gladly spread your ideas;
  • an article by Dave Sheffield that uses an experience he had onboard a plane to illustrate 3 principles that make your customer interactions outstanding;
  • an article about how to develop clear-headed leadership strategies that accomplish your goals in less stressful ways;
  • an article that lists 30 tools you can use to track, manage and fine-tune your social-media marketing campaign;
  • an article about how an experiment to find a link between extended cellphone use and the inability to concentrate led some ninth grade students to the discovery that plants won’t grow near Wi-Fi routers;
  • and, @nycework’s previous digest that includes a post about Eesha Khare, an 18-year-old student whose superconductor invention charges phones in seconds.

Enjoy! Continue reading

@nycework tweet digest: 05/26-31/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? Slashing big bills; fingerprinting your success; charging mobile phones super-fast; levitating furniture; gadgets that led but weren’t followed; life imitating science fiction; even grandma has a drone…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between May 26 and May 31, 2013:

Oprah Winfrey's signature (Image credit: Wikipedia)
  • A quote by Oprah Winfrey on how to truly succeed;
  • an article about how publicly- and privately-owned drones are raising serious privacy concerns;
  • an article with video about Eesha Khare, an 18-year-old whose supercapacitor invention charges mobile phones in seconds;
  • an article about 27 science-fiction concepts that became scientific facts in 2012;
  • an article featuring 20 innovative, futuristic-looking pieces of home furnishing ranging from a levitating, cloud-shaped couch to a pod-shaped bathtub with built-in MP3 player;
  • an article about 5 gadgets that were commercially unsuccessful because they were too advanced for their time;
  • and, @nycework’s previous digest that includes a post about how to quickly cut 5 big household bills.

Enjoy! Continue reading

@nycework tweet digest: 05/19-24/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? Peeking into your future using big data; quick, homemade budget cuts; dirty ice in fast food places; you’re harboring moody bacteria; sustainable city farming; gadgets too advanced for their own good; daring to fail greatly…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between May 19 and May 24, 2013:

3D-modeled vertical farm

3D-modeled vertical farm
(Image credit: Cjacobs627 at en.wikipedia)

  • A quote by Robert F. Kennedy about the achievement ability of people who aren’t afraid to fail;
  • an article about scientists’ discovery that our bodies harbor kinds of bacteria that affect our health, our weight and our mood;
  • an article about a student’s experiment that found 70 percent of tested fast-food ice was dirtier than toilet water samples taken from the same establishment;
  • an article about how vertical farming using skyscraper greenhouses could produce sustainable, city-grown, inexpensive food;
  • an article about 5 quick ways to cut household bills; (NOTE: the section on tax savings might be outdated, so consult your accountant or tax specialist for up-to-date tax-saving strategies);
  • an article about 5 old gadgets that didn’t become popular because they were ahead of their time;
  • and, a link to @nycework’s previous tweet digest that includes a post about how information you share publicly might be used to predict your future.

Enjoy! Continue reading

@nycework tweet digest: 05/12-17/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? Getting good at being you; healthcare for $60 or less per month; budgeting successfully through thick and thin; big data as the new crystal ball; the dangers of being profiled with eye-tracking technology; what you can do with tiny computers; eco-friendly paper towel etiquette…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between May 12 and May 17, 2013:

Portrait of Abraham Lincoln

Portrait of Abraham Lincoln
(Image credit: Wikipedia)

  • A quote by Abraham Lincoln urging you to be good at being you;
  • an article about how information you share publicly can be used to predict your future;
  • an article about a doctor who charges $60 or less per month for basic healthcare because he believes the U.S. healthcare system sacrifices patients’ health for profit;
  • an article discussing ways to use USB flash drive-sized PCs that run Android or other GNU/Linux-based operating systems;
  • an article about how eye-tracking technology could pose serious risks to your privacy;
  • a video demonstration of an eco-friendlier way to dry your hands using a small amount of paper towel;
  • and, a link to @nycework’s previous tweet digest that includes a post about 5 ways to “make it” regardless of the state of the economy.

Enjoy! Continue reading

@nycework tweet digest: 05/05-10/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? Rough Times begone; releasing the extraordinary person trapped within you; call me Mack the Scalpel; we know what you charged last summer; chow’s growing a mustache; why o why, robot; and, Action…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between May 5 and May 10, 2013:

TOPIO 3.0 - Humanoid Robot at IREX 2009, Tokyo, Japan

TOPIO 3.0 – Humanoid Robot at IREX 2009, Tokyo, Japan
(Photo credit: Humanrobo)

  • A quote by Jean Houston about how extraordinary you really are;
  • an article about how to stay awesome by constantly upgrading your mind, your relationships and your skills;
  • an article listing 5 healthy financial habits that’ll get you through economic booms and busts;
  • an article about how human hair is an ingredient commonly found in commercial bread;
  • an infographic with tips on how to make quality, professional-grade business videos;
  • an article about what it potentially means when robots take over tasks done by humans;
  • and, a link to @nycework’s previous tweet digest that includes a post about sneaky practices used by credit card companies to invade cardholder privacy.

Enjoy! Continue reading

@nycework tweet digest: 04/28 – 05/03/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? ¡Olé! your bike is charging; don’t waste words…KISS; because I’ve got it like that; look at the peepers on that credit card; online shoppers prohibited in this store; if you’re happy and you know it, here’s a problem…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between April 28 and May 3, 2013:

Barnes & Noble Showrooming

Showrooming at a local Barnes & Noble
(Photo credit: BetterBizIdeas)

  • A quote by François Fénelon on how to invest words wisely;
  • an article describing some sneaky ways credit card companies invade cardholder privacy;
  • an infographic about how showrooming a product at a local store before buying online is hurting local retailers;
  • an article about a gadget that charges gadgets while you bike;
  • an article about how the happiest people tend to tackle the hardest problems;
  • an article detailing 3 morning activities of highly successful people;
  • and, a link to @nycework’s previous tweet digest with a post on how to become awesome at anything.

Enjoy! Continue reading

@nycework tweet digest: 04/21-26/2013

Last week’s tweet highlights in a nutshell? How much for that sourpuss; because I’m awesome and can do anything; race matters; embracing your blind spot; SSN undercover; Saving Private Energy; and culling Mars invaders…

Here’s a quick summary of tweets posted by @nycework between April 21 and April 26, 2013:

Wooden Sculpture of Science Genetics

Wooden Sculpture of Science Genetics
(Photo credit: epSos.de)

  • A quote by Henry David Thoreau about bartering your life;
  • an article discussing 6 principles to systematically build your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual capacity;
  • an article describing the result of Washington University‘s research to discover genetic differences between “races”;
  • an article about a space project that’s screening volunteers for a reality TV-style, one-way mission to Mars;
  • an article explaining why you’re blind for about 40 minutes every day;
  • an infographic energy-savings guide for homeowners;
  • and a link to @nycework’s previous tweet digest with a post about five scenarios where saying no to requests for your Social Security number is OK…and more.

Enjoy! Continue reading