People: The Good, The Bad, and The Toxic

Image: “The Bad And The Ugly [#apple ,#fruit ,#good ,#bad]” by Monica Georgescu, via Wikimedia Commons.

“You can’t do a good deal with bad people, and you can’t do a bad deal with good people. I often use that as my compass.”

~ Christina Tosi (

Toxic People: How to Recognize and Avoid Them

“Just as the environment has its toxins, humanity includes people who consistently do toxic things. Recognizing and avoiding toxic people is an essential skill to learn as early in life as possible.

“Toxic people can spread unhappiness and personal suffering. They ultimately poison things with which they come in touch: other people, careers, businesses, marriages, and especially children. These people are often virtually immune to insight, remorse, or lasting positive change. I’m not talking about people with criminal personalities, but rather people who live and work with us every day.

“There are at least four basic types of toxic people: the narcissistic-aggressive person, the “frenemy,” the negative-complaining person, and the seductive, overly-dramatic person. Let’s take a closer look and see if you can recognize any of these folks in your daily life.”

~ Reading: “Toxic People: How to Recognize and Avoid Them” by George S. Everly, Jr. (


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