Tag Archives: resilience

Adversity: The Fuel of Greatness

Image: White smoke rising from charcoal briquettes as they start to catch fire and burn. Source: © Tomas Castelazo, http://www.tomascastelazo.com / Wikimedia Commons.

“Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition, he or she has overcome to reach his [or her] goals.”

~ Dorothy Height (1440 Daily Digest)

Adversity Is the Fuel of Greatness

“I have seen the approach to adversity play out in all walks of life and unfortunately the most common response to adversity is to try and make it go away. The reality is that when you take away adversity you also take away one of the most important ingredients to greatness.”

“When adversity is avoided or kept from us, it prevents the rich roots of character, learning, resilience, creativity and conviction to germinate.”

“Adversity plays a vital role in growth and greatness. In simple terms: no adversity, no growth. Instead of avoiding adversity, we need to hug it! It is the fuel for greatness.”

~ Reading: “Adversity Is the Fuel of Greatness” by Jim Haudan